Sunday, March 18, 2007

Children know too much about computers...

I got some new hard drives for my main machine today. The old hard drive was giving bad sector errors, despite being under a year old. So, I got two new hard drives for the system.

Taylor Ann is learning a lot in this picture. I showed her where to plug in the connectors to the main power switch. She had an easier time getting it on than I did. Small hands work wonders inside a cramped case. We also took the time to discuss the finer points of SATA raid configurations. See, I wanted to do Raid 0 but Taylor pointed out the multiple copies of personal data that I have on my secondary systems and that my gaming rig would benefit from Raid 1 where performance is more important than redundancy. In the end we decided to compromise, and we did Raid 1 across both drives...


Facker McGee said...

So can Taylor come rig up our one (hopefully two) laptops, a pc, and looking into wireless printer....hmmm...

Unknown said...

I don't know. She's starting to get a big head with all this tech stuff. She's demanding $100 an hour and travel expenses... :)

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